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The most striking feature of life on earth is its diversity. I’m aware of the central role of biology in understanding how biodiversity arose, how it is maintained, what are its consequences, and how we should conserve it. However, since the study of biodiversity could be overwhelming, I’m interested in new ways in which mathematical modeling might help in guiding in the selection of the next research question to solve. In particular, I’m interested in:

  • Biological data analysis through mathematical frameworks such as those used in machine learning (PCA, Tensor analysis, etc.)
  • Mathematical modeling, using frameworks like ordinary differential equations (ODE), stochastic processes (hybrid systems, Markov processes, SDEs).

Biological problems I’m passionate by range from the study of interactions between hosts and pathogens at inter-cellular level, to the dynamics of a given molecule at the single-cell level.

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Jan 15, 2016 A simple inline announcement with Markdown emoji! :sparkles: :smile:
Nov 07, 2015 A long announcement with details
Oct 22, 2015 A simple inline announcement.

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  1. Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?
    A. Einstein*†B. Podolsky*, and N. Rosen*
    Phys. Rev., New Jersey. More Information can be found here , May 1935